domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

George Orwell's ANIMAL FARM: Questionnaire


  1. Why did the battle of the Cowshed take place?
  2. What was Snowball's role in the battle?
  3. What kind of relationship did Napoleon and Snowball have?
  4. Why were the animals divided?
  5. How did Napoleon get rid of Snowball?
  6. What changes did Napoleon introduce?
  7. What was Squealer's role?
  8. Why was trade important?
  9. Where did the pigs find a quiet place to work?
  10. Who did Napoleon blame for the windmill disaster?
  11. What did the hens have to do with their eggs?
  12. Why were the animals executed?
  13. What was Boxer' solution for the executions?
  14. How did the animals feel when they sang Beast of England?
  15. What was Squealer's decision for the song?
  16. What happened to Frederick and his men?
  17. Why was Comrade Napoleon "dying"?
  18. What special treatment did the pigs get?
  19. Why was Boxer taken to be slaughtered?
  20. What did Clover find out about the pigs that startled him?
  21. What was the commandment that took the place of the Seven Commandments?
  22. What differences did the other animals find between the pigs and the humans?

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